It is My Job

Sections of this topic

    It’s not my job to fix someone else

    It is my job to be the radiance and splendor of Who I Am

    It’s not my job to judge others’ mistakes

    It is my job to be a role model of someone doing their best

    It’s not my job to tell others how to live or work

    It is my job to walk the path of love, balance, and integrity

    It’s not my job to show others when they’ve messed up

    It is my job to remind others of their greatness and beauty

    It’s not my job to point out when others are wrong

    It is my job to speak my truth even when it is difficult to do so

    It’s not my job to ask “What’s in it for me?”

    It is my job to wake up every morning and ask, “How then shall I serve?”


    For a moving and inspiring video of someone who faced adversity and didn’t give up on himself-

    Inspirational Story

    Here are the lyrics to his song:

    In my imagination I see a fair world,
    Everyone lives in peace and in honesty there.
    I dream of souls that are always free,
    …Like the clouds that fly,
    Full of humanity in the depths of the soul.
    I dream of souls that are always free,
    Like clouds that fly,
    Full of humanity in the depths of the soul.


    For more resources, see our Library topic Spirituality in the Workplace.


    Linda is an author, speaker, coach, and consultant. Go to her website to read more about her work, view video clips of her talks, and find out more about her book “Path for Greatness: Spirituality at Work” The paperback version is available on Amazon. NOW NEW!!! the pdf version of Path for Greatness is available for download from her website. ALSO, Linda’s new book, “Staying Grounded in Shifting Sand” is now available on her website.