Spiritual Beings at Work

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    This passage is taken from my forthcoming book – Staying Grounded in Shifting Sand. My book is based on the premise that we are spiritual beings who navigate through our daily earthly experiences to discover or create wholeness, transformation, and joy. A key ingredient to staying grounded in shifting sand is to remember Who You Are as a soul being and to remain connected to your Source of wisdom, compassion, forgiveness, joy and love.

    “I’d like to explore how to work spiritually when you know you are a spiritual being on a spiritual journey. From this vantage point you can reframe how you work and why you are here. Those of you who have awakened to your soul journey, you already have made a commitment to use your work life for your important personal transformations and help others in their process as well.

    It is hard for some people to fathom working spiritually when you are in the middle of conflicts, power trips, or personal agendas at work. Working spiritually doesn’t mean that you walk around in a blissful state all the time. Sometimes you may feel that the most spiritual you can be is to keep praying for strength to endure until you can see your way out of a situation. Spirituality at work involves diligence, patience, and clarity as much as compassion, authenticity, and forgiveness.

    Conscious Evolution

    You consciously evolve when you are aware of opportunities to change old patterns that no longer work or expand your growing edge. Conscious evolution takes place at work as much as in any other domain of life, particularly because we spend most of our waking hours at work. You often don’t choose those with whom you work. Too many people find themselves working in toxic work environments or unhealthy organizations. You are put into situations of swirling energy that need to be carefully tended. Learning how to navigate through such conditions and/or knowing when to leave requires careful spiritual discernment. Your work life offers you tremendous opportunity to practice your spiritual truths.

    If you are bothered by someone or in the middle of a conflict you need to consider what hot button is getting triggered for you. That is where important spiritual work is for you at present. At a minimum you can learn to be honest with your feelings and speak your truth with compassion and wisdom. The bottom line (figuratively and literally) is to awaken and remain open to your spiritual unfolding. Be intentional about your own growing edge in the midst of chaos and conflict. That’s your spiritual work that needs to be done in addition to any projects or job assignments you’re given.

    Seeing Co-Workers as Spiritual Beings

    When we remember our work life is integral to our spiritual journey, we see ourselves and others as soul beings and know we are all here to learn lessons for our conscious evolution and spiritual growth. Here’s a visualization you can use to reframe how you see your co-workers.

    Imagine your work colleagues as soul beings. Greet them by name and thank them for being part of your work. Affirm that you are each there for a purpose to help one another in your spiritual journey… Surround them each in a gold or bright colored light. Send them energy and thoughts of joy, care, compassion. Send them on their way with the thought that they are a perfect expression of who they came here to be. Thank them for being teachers, guides and supports for your spiritual journey to practice compassion, offer peace, and share joy.

    Remember that you are exactly where you need to be to live out the spiritual journey you came to experience for your conscious evolution. Step in to it, celebrate it. Rejoice in being the bright beautiful being that you are. We work as spiritual beings through our heart, mind, and hands. Or as Kahlil Gibran more eloquently wrote, “When you work, you are a flute, through whose heart the whispering of the hours turns to music.”


    For more resources, see our Library topic Spirituality in the Workplace.


    Linda is an author, speaker, coach, and consultant. Go to her website www.lindajferguson.com to read more about her work, view video clips of her talks, and find out more about her book “Path for Greatness: Spirituality at Work” The paperback version available on Amazon. NOW NEW!!! the pdf version of Path for Greatness is available for download from her website. Chapters 1-5 of “Staying Grounded in Shifting Sand” are now available on her website as well.