10 Ways to Boost the Effectiveness of an Autonomous Business Unit

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    Autonomous Business Teams or Small Business Units (SBU) in their simplest forms, are groups of people, anywhere between 5 and 20, all working as a team to identify and make improvements to the way they work, within their “circle of influence”.

    For this reason, SBUs almost always share common business goals regarding how to boost business unit effectiveness

    Small Business Units, in my opinion, still remain the most effective vehicle to engage a group of people and to harness the power of teamwork in business improvement programs.

    The use of a facilitated approach in understanding the main issues and pain points, allows members to suggest, fix, and own solutions, empowering decisions to be made, locally.

    A classic question to always ask is:

    “If this was your own business, what would you do to improve it?”

    10 Characteristics of a Great SBU

    a) Totally Inclusive – everyone should belong to one

    b) Autonomous – a team makes its own decisions

    c) Circle of Influence – The team fixes issues within their influence

    d) Problem-Solving – problems within the “circle of concern” are escalated.

    e) Everybody is encouraged to participate

    f) Focus is maintained on priority items

    g) A Results-oriented approach is vital

    h) Simple metrics are used to agree on priorities and assign actions

    i) Collective and individual responsibilities for Actions are assigned

    j) Team success is recognised and rewarded.

    How do you engage the hearts and minds of the people in your business to?

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