Conflict Resolution – Maximize Your Style

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    Improving conflict handling reduces risk of crisis

    There is nothing you can do to completely prevent conflict. Like it or not, it’s a fact, and one that’s better faced when you have time to prepare and plan than in the heat of the moment. Conflict resolution training is an asset to crisis management because it reduces risk of workplace violence, keeps lines of communication open, and helps to strengthen relationships, and one of the first things you’ll learn as part of any good program is people have very different approaches to conflict.

    The infographic below, from Creighton University, describes the basics of how to employ some of the most common styles to achieve the best results for everyone involved:

    Tackle Conflict in Any Setting

    For more resources, see the Free Management Library topic: Crisis Management

    [Jonathan Bernstein is president of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc., an international crisis management consultancy, author of Manager’s Guide to Crisis Management and Keeping the Wolves at Bay – Media Training. Erik Bernstein is vice president for the firm, and also editor of its newsletter, Crisis Manager]

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