Assistance Sources: Support for Nonprofits and For-Profit

Help for Nonprofits and For-Profits

Organizations With Free or Very Low-Cost Assistance to You:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may want to review some
related topics, available from the link below. Each of the related topics includes
free, online resources.

Other Sources of Assistance

Resources for For-Profits

1. Small Business Answer Desk: Call 800-827-5722
2. SBA:
Small Business Administration Home Page

– Service Corps Of Retired Executives
Call 800-827-5722
4. Better
Business Bureau

5. Small Business Development Center: Call 402-595-2387
6. American Home Business Association. Call 800-664-2422.
7. National Association for the Self-Employed. Call 800-232-NASE.
8. Business Assistance Service (with Department of Commerce) Call
9. National Business Association. Call 800-465-0440.
10. Chambers of Commerce and Trade associations — You should
contact your local Chamber of Commerce, even if only to introduce
yourself. The Chamber can be a great source of help and contacts.
One of the ways in which they can help is to suggest an appropriate
trade association for you to join. The particular trade association
you would benefit from depends on the nature of your products
or services.

Resources for Nonprofits

1. Contact your Secretary of State and/or state’s attorney
general’s office and ask for a list of resources
2. Executive
Service Corp
provides experienced consultation in the areas
of technical and management.
3. National
Council of Nonprofit Associations (find your local office and
call for help)

4. Contact the local volunteer recruitment organization in your
community and ask for assistance.
5. Look in the Yellow Pages of your local telephone directory
for professional associations. Look for networks or associations
of organization development practitioners, facilitators, or trainers.
6. Look in the Yellow Pages of your local telephone directory
under the categories “Consultant” and “Volunteering.”
7. Contact local large corporations. They often have community
service programs and can provide a wide range of management and
technical expertise. Speak to the head of the Human Resources
8. Call a local university or college and speak to someone in
the College of Human Resources, Training, and Development, or Business
9. Ask other nonprofits (particularly those that have similar
services and number of staff,) or current clients and ask for
ideas, contacts, and references.
10. Ask a retired business person (from a for-profit or nonprofit
organization). Often, they have facilitated a wide variety of

Other Sources of Resources

Free, Online Resources

See the list of Websites that have extensive, free online
resources for you

Consider a Mentor

See the topic Mentoring

Form a Study Group

In the group, members share support and accountabilities to apply new information
and materials to learn. Here’s a procedure
to start your group