Performance Problems: Nip Them in the Bud

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    Do you put off dealing with employee performance problems?

    Many managers struggle with their reluctance to deal with an employee regarding poor performance or inappropriate behavior. Here are some concerns I’ve heard:

    1. “I don’t want to rock the boat, especially when the employee is performing the function even if not up to expectations.”
    2. “Correcting an employee’s performance or behavior might spark a decision to leave. Then where will I be…no one to do the job.”
    3. “I’m not sure how to discuss tough issues with them. I’m concerned they’ll become defensive or even explode.”

    As a supervisor or manager, it is your job to make sure work gets done right and in a timely manner. What happens when someone is not meeting the standards or expectations? The problems will continue and will soon affect others. Now you have a bigger headache. Deadlines are missed; Customer satisfaction goes down. Resources are squandered. And you’re working harder and longer. It’s time to STOP procrastinating and START dealing with the problem NOW.

    Here are 5 performance coaching tips.

    1. Act promptly.
    Deal firmly with poor or marginal performance. If certain behaviors – coming in late or not filling out forms right – appear acceptable, then the person will see no reason to change. The problem continues. Your good performers will have to then pick up the slack. Morale goes down. Now you have a bigger headache.
    2. Know the facts.
    Identify and document specific behaviors that need to be changed. Decide on the most important issues.
    3. Know the target.
    Think about the employee and how to give the feedback in a way that it will be understood, accepted, and acted upon. Choose an appropriate time and private place.
    4. Know the results you want.
    Communicate your expectations or standards and then ask the person how he will meet them. Listen, give input and finally agree on a solution.
    5. Avoid the sandwich technique.
    That is tucking the negative comment between two positive statements. Your intentions may be good, but it doesn’t work. A better sequence: First the criticism, second the strengths, and third the future or what you want them to be doing differently.

    The key elements of performance feedback are to focus on the problem, not the person; listen more than talk; have the person, not you, take responsibility for solving the problem.

    Management Success Tip

    Think of someone you supervise or manage who you need to coach to improve performance. It does not have to be a major issue just something that needs to be changed – coming in late, not following SOP’s, filling out the forms wrong, etc. Let me know how it went.

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