Life in the Vast Lane

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    I ran across a book some years ago by Bo Lozoff called “We’re all Doing Time”. Though written for prisoners to help them see how to use their jail time for spiritual growth, I found his book applied to many work situations. Far too many people feel trapped by their jobs, afraid to leave or take actions to shift their work. Bo encourages people to “live in the vast lane”.

    Here are some ideas to live in the vast lane:

    Think abundantly – Most people live smaller lives than they are capable of living. Getting into the Vast Lane requires a shift of thinking, knowing that there is more beauty, depth, and wonder that awaits you. You may be living small because you don’t believe you can live differently or are too afraid of losing something. Abundance consciousness affirms that there is a vast life awaiting you. Just like the river creatures I’ve written about before, the Current of Life delights to lift us free, to splash around the waves and bathe in the deep pools of life. Abundance consciousness may take some work to cultivate, especially for those of you who have been told not to stand out, to tow the line, or don’t rock the boat. What waves call you forward for more adventure?

    Expand your Comfort Zone –We all have comfort zones where things are familiar, safe, secure. Yet the vast lane lies beyond that. It calls you to stretch yourself, to boldly go where you have not gone before. Examine those areas of your life you’d like to expand, reach further, explore- work, relationships, finances, family, diet. Most people never know where their edge is unless they push it. I encourage you to push your comfort zone just a little bit further than where it is now. Perhaps there is a co-worker you’d like to get to know better, some class you’ve been thinking of taking, some new project you’d like to lead, a new professional group you’d like to join. There are ample opportunities at work to expand your comfort zone. Give it a try.

    Tune-in to your inner GPS – Most people stay in the slow comfort lane because of their peers or family. They worry what others will say or think. Have you had a yearning to try something new and it keeps coming into your awareness? What is your soul calling you to do at this point? If you aren’t sure what the Vast Lane is calling of you at this time- listen, observe, open up. You’ll get that cosmic nudge when the time is right to shift gears.

    As you shift into the vast lane, all sorts of new opportunities open up for you. You’ll get an unexpected email or receive a Facebook/LinkedIn request you weren’t expecting. That is exactly what happened when I got asked to write this blog. I was wondering what my next steps were to share ideas on spirituality and work, and out of the blue I got a LinkedIn request to write this blog. Now we reach over 5,000 readers a week here.

    For every positive action you take, the Universe responds with more opportunities. It is up to you to turbo charge your life.

    Put on your seatbelt and enjoy the ride!


    For more resources, see our Library topic Spirituality in the Workplace.


    Linda is an author, speaker, coach, and consultant. Go to her website to read more about her work, view video clips of her talks, and find out more about her book “Path for Greatness: Spirituality at Work” The paperback version is available on Amazon. NOW AVAILABLE!!! the pdf version of Path for Greatness is available for download from her website. ALSO, Linda’s new book, “Staying Grounded in Shifting Sand” is now available on her website.