Finding the Beauty of Your Work

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    The center of the flower provides an offering of nectar for the bees to use. This nectar gives life to other plants. Similarly, we make contributions to the well being of others and the world at large through our service. When we work spiritually we provide our gifts as an offering so that we make the world a better place by our being in it.

    Just like the petals of a flower show the beauty of the plant, our beauty naturally bursts forth when we offer ourselves in service to others. As the poet Rumi says, “Let the beauty of who you are be what you do.” Working spiritually is about fulfilling your life purpose or larger mission with passion, using your gifts in service to others. When you do that others will benefit from your beauty and gifts.

    Our beauty may even serve as inspiration to others whether we know it or not. We work spiritually when we make our unique contributions, in our own corner of the world, that enlivens and enriches others. When we make the world more beautiful by what we do, we find greater wholeness and meaning for ourselves and greater connection with others.

    How do you find beauty in what you do? Can you find beauty in those who work with you? How is your work a spiritual offering?


    For more resources, see our Library topic Spirituality in the Workplace.
