10 Quick Tips for “Owning” Your Presentations

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    Rugby Players Holding a TrophyAre you ever tentative about speaking in front of others? Do you fear you will make a mistake or look foolish? Do you ever worry that people will disagree with you? If so, it’s possible that you aren’t completely committed to your own communication. Before you lead another meeting, sales call, presentation or training session, read on about how to “own” your next speaking engagement:

    1. Are you passionate about the topic? Or at least excited? If you aren’t sold, it will be a very long day at the lectern.
    2. Instead of worrying about yourself, focus on what you are giving your audience.
    3. Remind yourself this is your presentation, you are prepared, and you know your content.
    4. You have a good plan; stick with it and speak with confidence.
    5. Don’t second guess yourself or try to speak like your boss would.
    6. Move past self-consciousness by focusing on the audience, the content, your breath.
    7. It’s not about you; it’s about your ability to connect.
    8. It’s not about you; it’s about your audience and your ability to give them something of value. Focus on what you are bringing, not how they are reacting.
    9. You won’t be perfect no matter what; just do your best. Made a mistake? Move on.
    10. Monitor sabotaging self-talk that says you aren’t good enough; you are!

    What do you think? Are you ready to “own it?”